What’s Next?

Monday, May 1, 1995

Hooray, hooray, the first of May...

and the rest of it is rather profane.

But today, I’m going to change all that:

Planning for the future begins today.

Today, I stand on the threshold of a new world. Or so I must bring myself to think. I’m so very tired of the way things are going, that I must do this to recharge my batteries.

Will I be teaching in September? I’m not sure. Not if I don’t have to. I’ve just about finished Bolles’ What Color is Your Parachute, and I can see the types of job-hunting I must do during the summer. I’ve been reading up on different software applications, and learning how to use them, so that I can better market myself. I will be calling two networking connections later this afternoon in an attempt to get an interview and to drop off my résumés.

I’ll be joining ASTD later this week... more networking... I need to mail in my check and stuff. Also, I’ll be attending a Computer-Using-Educators conference later in the month... more networking and a weekend in Palm Springs with Lisa should be nice.

As for what I am now looking at as my back-up, teaching, I will ask Bruce--my department chair--to rethink my preps for next year. I do NOT think I can handle another year of English Nines. Even though the last few days have gone well, especially now that we have begun the composing of expository paragraphs, I am most definitely burned out on this level. Maybe English Twelves could be better. Or some college prep classes. Who knows? I just need a change.

But enough talk of it. I’m going out to make my calls.

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