A Good Day

Friday, May 19, 1995

The summer cold (as if our regular-as-clockwork June-gloom fog banks would be mistaken for summer anywhere but here), which has been brewing just behind my face, has how bloomed fully. So this entry will be brief (and I know what you're thinking: the last few have been brief... well, I haven't had much access to the keyboard lately, what with helping the 4/4H's create their Electronic Portfolio, and the Nines' Academic Detention).

Today was a good day, though. Fun. English Nines were great with Romeo and Juliet. ESPECIALLY second period. Unbelievable. Every year, I'm glad I leave R&J to the end of the year. It makes May go so well. Third period, I was bouncing back and forth between my room and the library, overseeing 4/4H HMD group projects in my room and other students' Electronic Portfolio work in the Professional Room. Then during lunch and after school, I oversaw 4/4H's inputting video stuff. In the fourth period sandwiched between those lunch and after school sessions, I bounced again from room 29 to the library, overseeing more HyperStudio inputting and working with Mary on the new requisitions for ordering hardware.

All in all, a very productive day. Of course, I was there until four o'clock, when I learned that a teen had been shot in the local park at lunch. It was a rumor, but it came from one of the 4H's who had learned it from a teacher. Sounds pretty reliable.

A good day. And only one kid shot.

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