A Tale Told of WASC: Part Five

In the spring of last year, the site administration appointed Teddi Applegate to head the WASC attack on our campus. It was a brilliant choice. Teddi was the English department head (there was that "let-the-English-teachers-do-it, they’re-writers-anyway" mentality working again). Plus, she was the current Teacher of the Year, not only for the campus but for the district. She was well-respected, but more importantly, she had a wonderful sense of humor, a Texan droll, rather than drawl, that made her endearing and someone for whom you wouldn’t mind working.

Teddi tore into the assignment with brio. She had recently earned her administrative credential, and I believe she saw this as an opportunity to prove her ability to lead a campus. And she did a hell of a job. Starting in April, she laid out the course ahead, not really explaining it, but giving us instruction on what to do and when to do it. She explained that this would be a different WASC, process-oriented. Not many of the faculty really understood this, but Teddi’s directions were so explicit that no one was worried.

There was only one problem. Teddi wasn’t going to be here in the fall.

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